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Cushcraft A17B2 - 2 Meter, SSB/CW Boomer Beam Antenna

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6.00 (in)
79.00 (in)
4.00 (in)
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The serious two meter operator who is interested in EME, aurora, scatter, SSB, CW, tropo etc, will choose the A17B2. It has 17 elements on a 4.5 wavelength boom.

Our computer-aided design supported by precise test range data and the latest manufacturing technology gives you a cleaner pattern and 18 dBi gain in this long boom design. Significant enhancement is provided by the new UltraMatch balanced feed system with N-connector.

The UltraMatch is a modified T-match system that provides a balanced current distribution on your Boomer. It uses UltraLink Teflon® dielectric cable allowing for low loss high power applications. UltraMatch is completely enclosed for weather proofing. When all-weather performance is important, you will choose the new UltraMatched Boomers everytime.


VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Type:Yagi
VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Elements:17
Antenna Power Rating:2,000 W
Beam Antenna Boom Length:31.00 ft.
Beam Antenna Maximum Boom Diameter:1.500 in.
VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Longest Element:40.750 in.
Beam Antenna Turning Radius:17.30 ft.
Mast Mounting Clamp Minimum:1.500 in.
Mast Mounting Clamp Maximum:2.000 in.
Wind Surface Area:3.900 sq. ft.
Beam Antenna Frequency Coverage:144-145 MHz (2 Meters)
Feedpoint Impedance:200 ohm
Feedpoint Match Type:T-match, balanced
Antenna Feedline Connection Type:Type N, female
Antenna Weight:15.75 lbs.
Notes:4:1 UltraMatch balun supplied.
VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Bands:2 meters
VHF/UHF Beam Antenna Elements (app):17
Beam Antenna Gain:18.0 dBi
Beam Antenna F/B (dB):26.0 dB
E-Plane 3 dB Beamwidth:29 degrees
H-Plane 3 dB Beamwidth:30 degrees
Bandwidth at 2:1 SWR:Over 2.0 MHz
Typical Beam Polarization:Horizontal (SSB CW)
Beam Antenna Boom Wavelength:4.5

Cushcraft warrants to the original purchaser for one year from date of purchase that each Cushcraft antenna is free of defects in material or workmanship. If, in the judgement of Cushcraft, any such antenna is defective, then Cushcraft Corporation will, at its option, repair or replace the antenna at its expense within thirty days of the date the antenna is returned (at purchasers expense) to Cushcraft or one of its authorized representatives.