Open Package Alpha Delta Model DX-LB - Single Dipole Wire Antenna, Multi-Band, Resonant, 600 W, 160, 80, 40 meters. 100 ft., Fully Assembled.
Not in Original Package.
Low Band Dipole Covers 160-80-40 meters with an overall length of only 100 ft. Antenna performance and 2:1 VSWR bandwidth is site dependent and varies with height above ground and surrounding objects.
The typical bandwidth is: 160M - 20kHz, 80M - 40 kHz, 40M - 300 kHz
Full band coverage can be accomplished with an antenna tuner. Built with insulated 12 ga. wire, stainless steel hardware and uses the Model DELTA-C static protected center insulator and CIN end insulators. Use coax or open wire line and configure as a dipole or inverted-V. Assembled and ready to go.
Frequency: 40/80 and 160 Meters
Assembled Wire Antenna: Yes
Wire Antenna Type: Multi-band, resonant
Antenna Power Rating: 1,000 W
Wire Antenna Length: 100.00 ft.
Antenna Tuner Required: Yes
Feedline Connection Type: UHF female, SO-239
Minimum Recommended Feedpoint Height: 35.00 ft.
Wire Gauge: 12-gauge
Center Insulator Maximum Rope Size: 0.313 in.
Wire Antenna Weight: 5.90 lbs.